

For a visualization of contributors, go to our google map of BRANCH authors.


Rachel Ablow (U at Buffalo, SUNY), “‘One Flesh,’ One Person, and the 1870 Married Women’s Property Act”
Robert David Aguirre (Wayne SU), “Mexico, Independence, and Trans-Atlantic Exchange, 1822-24″
Michelle Allen-Emerson (US Naval Academy), “On Magazine Day”
Stephen Arata (U Virginia), “On E. W. Lane’s Edition of The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments, 1838″
Nancy Armstrong (Duke U), “On Charles Darwin’s The Descent of Man, 24 February 1871″
Zarena Aslami (Michigan SU), “The Second Anglo-Afghan War, or The Return of the Uninvited”
Brenda Assael (Swansea U), “On Dinners and Diners and Restaurant Culture in Late Nineteenth-Century London”

Julie M. Barst (Siena Heights U), “The Molesworth Report and the Dissolution of Convict Transportation to Australia, August 1838″
Troy J. Bassett (Indiana U-Purdue U, Fort Wayne), “‘More than a Bookseller’: Iredale’s Library as the Center of Provincial Literary Life”
Elizabeth Berkowits (Graduate Center, City University of New York), “The 1910 ‘Manet and the Post – Impressionists’ Exhibition: Importance and Critical Issues”
Carolyn Vellenga Berman (New School), “On the Reform Act of 1832″
Dan Bivona (Arizona SU), “On W. K. Clifford and ‘The Ethics of Belief,’ 11 April 1876″
Florence S. Boos (U Iowa), “The Education Act of 1870: Before and After”
Florence S. Boos (U Iowa), “The Socialist League, founded 30 December 1884″
Aviva Briefel (Bowdoin), “On the 1886 Colonial and Indian Exhibition”
Jo Briggs (Walters Art Museum), “1848 and 1851: A Reconsideration of the Historical Narrative”
Jo Briggs (Walters Art Museum), “The Second Boer War, 1899-1902: Anti-Imperialism and European Visual Culture”
Miriam Burstein (College at Brockport, SUNY), “The ‘Papal Aggression’ Controversy, 1850-52″
Antoinette Burton (UIUC), “On the First Anglo-Afghan War, 1839-42: Spectacle of Disaster”
Fred Burwick (UCLA), “18 June 1815: The Battle of Waterloo and the Literary Response”

Jason Camlot (Concordia U), “The First Phonogramic Poem: Conceptions of Genre and Media Format, Circa 1888”
Peter Capuano (U of Nebraska, Lincoln), “On Sir Charles Bell’s The Hand, 1833″
Janice Carlisle (Yale), “On the Second Reform Act, 1867”
Mary Wilson Carpenter (Queen’s U), “A Cultural History of Ophthalmology in Nineteenth-Century Britain”
Siobhan Carroll (U Delaware), “On Erasmus Darwin’s The Botanic Garden, 1791-1792″
Ayşe Çelikkol (Bilkent U), “On the Repeal of the Corn Laws, 1846”
James Chandler (U Chicago), “On Peterloo, 16 August 1819″
Alison Chapman (U Victoria), “On Il Risorgimento
Meaghan Clarke (U Sussex), “1894: The Year of the New Woman Art Critic”
Anne Clendinning (Nipissing U), “On The British Empire Exhibition, 1924-25″
Julie Codell (Arizona SU), “On the Delhi Coronation Durbars, 1877, 1903, 1911″
Julie Codell (Arizona SU), “On the Grosvenor Gallery, 1877-90″
Mary Jean Corbett (Miami U), “On Crawford v. Crawford and Dilke, 1886″
Eleanor Courtemanche (UIUC), “On the Publication of Fabian Essays in Socialism, December 1889″
Mark Crosby (Kansas SU), “The Bank Restriction Act (1797) and Banknote Forgery”
Ellen Crowell (Saint Louis U), “Oscar Wilde’s Tomb: Silence and the Aesthetics of Queer Memorial”
Ann Curthoys (U Sydney), “Settler Self-Government versus Aboriginal Rights, 1883 – 2001: The Shocking History of Section 70 of the Western Australian Constitution”

Lana Dalley (California SU, Fullerton) “On Martineau’s Illustrations of Political Economy, 1832-34″
Nicholas Daly (University College, Dublin), “Anthony Hope’s The Prisoner of Zenda (April, 1894) and the Rise of Ruritanian Fiction”
Martin Danahay (Brock U), “‘Valiant Lunatics’: Heroism and Insanity in British and Russian Reactions to the Charge of the Light Brigade”
Gowan Dawson (U Leicester), “On Richard Owen’s Discovery, in 1839, of the Extinct New Zealand Moa from Just a Single Bone”
Dennis Denisoff (U of Tulsa), “The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, 1888-1901″
Alexander J. Dick (U British Columbia), “On the Financial Crisis, 1825-26″
Karen Dieleman (Trinity Christian College), “Aurora Leigh in the Netherlands, 1870-1900″
Susan Donovan (DeMontfort U), “How the Post Office and Postal Products Shaped Mid-Nineteenth-Century Letter-Writing”
Sasha Dovzhyk (Birkbeck, U of London), “The Queer Little Grove: The Adoption of Aubrey Beardsley by Mikhail Kuzmin”
Shannon Draucker (Boston U), “Hearing, Sensing, Feeling Sound: On Music and Physiology in Victorian England, 1857-1894”
Annmarie Drury (Queens College, CUNY), “‘To a Gipsy Child by the Sea-Shore’ (1849) and Matthew Arnold’s Poetic Questions”
Ian Duncan (UC Berkeley), “On Charles Darwin and the Voyage of the Beagle
Nadja Durbach (U Utah), “On the Emergence of the Freak Show in Britain, 1847”
Denae Dyck (U of Victoria) and Marjorie Stone (Dalhousie U), “The ‘Sensation’ of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Poems before Congress (1860): Events, Politics, Reception”

Jill R. Ehnenn (Appalachian SU), “On Art Objects and Women’s Words: Ekphrasis in Vernon Lee (1887), Graham R. Tomson (1889), and Michael Field (1892)”
Andrew Elfenbein (U Minnesota), “On the Trials of Oscar Wilde: Myths and Realities”
Kristi N. Embry (Pfeiffer U), “The Entente cordiale between England and France, 8 April 1904″
Angela Esterhammer (U Toronto), “1824: Improvisation, Speculation, and Identity-Construction”

Jonathan Farina (Seton Hall U), “On David Masson’s British Novelists and their Styles (1859) and the Establishment of Novels as an Object of Academic Study”
Mary Favret (Johns Hopkins U), “The Napoleonic Wars”
Ina Ferris (U Ottawa), “The Debut of The Edinburgh Review, 1802″
Judith Fisher (Trinity U), “Tea and Food Adulteration, 1834-75″
Shanyn Fiske (Rutgers U, Camden), “Modeling Masculinity: Engendering the Yellow Peril in Fu-Manchu and Thomas Burke’s Limehouse Nights”
Pamela Fletcher (Bowdoin), “On the Rise of the Commercial Art Gallery in London”
Nicholas Frankel (Virginia Commonwealth U), “On the Whistler-Ruskin Trial, 1878″
Margaretta S. Frederick (Delaware Art Museum), “On Frederic Shields’ Chapel of the Ascension, 1887-1910″
Kathleen Frederickson (U of California, Davis), “British Writers on Population, Infrastructure, and the Great Indian Famine of 1876-8″
Paul Fyfe (North Carolina SU), “On the Opening of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, 1830″

Jill Galvan (Ohio SU), “Tennyson’s Ghosts: The Psychical Research Case of the Cross-Correspondences, 1901-c.1936″
Barbara Charlesworth Gelpi (Stanford), “14 July 1833: John Keble’s Assize Sermon, National Apostasy”
Pamela Gilbert (U Florida), “On Cholera in Nineteenth-Century England”
Joshua Gooch (SUNY, Plattsburgh), “On ‘Black Friday,’ 11 May 1866″
Sean Grass (Iowa State U), “On the Death of the Duke of Wellington, 14 September 1852″
Rae Greiner (Indiana U), “1909: The Introduction of the Word ‘Empathy’ into English”

Elaine Hadley (U Chicago), “On Opinion Politics and the Ballot Act of 1872″
Kelly Hager (Simmons), “Chipping Away at Coverture: The Matrimonial Causes Act of 1857″
Susan Hamilton (U Alberta), “On the Cruelty to Animals Act, 15 August 1876”
Stephen Hancock (Brigham Young U, Hawaii), “On the Overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy, 1893″
Katherine D. Harris (San Jose State U), “The Legacy of Rudolph Ackermann and Nineteenth-Century British Literary Annuals”
Imogen Hart (U of California, Berkeley), “On the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society”
Anne Helmreich (Case Western Reserve U), “On the Opening of the Crystal Palace at Sydenham, 1854
Elizabeth Helsinger (U Chicago), “Lyric Poetry and the Event of Poems, 1870″
Anna Henchman (Boston U), “Charles Darwin’s Final Book on Earthworms, 1881”
Andrea K. Henderson (UC Irvine), “William Henry Fox Talbot: The Photograph as Memorial for Romanticism”
Nathan K. Hensley (Georgetown U) and John Patrick James (Georgetown U), “Soot Moth: Biston Betularia and the Victorian End of Nature”
Peter H. Hoffenberg (U Hawaii, Manoa), “1871-1874: The South Kensington International Exhibitions”
Peter H. Hoffenberg (U Hawaii, Manoa), “The Official Opening of ‘The Exhibition of the Photographic Pictures Taken in The Crimea by Roger Fenton, Esq.’”
Owen Holland (Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool U), “‘These Christs that die upon the barricades’: Victorian Responses to the Paris Commune”
Philip Howell (U of Cambridge), “June 1859/December 1860: The Dog Show and the Dogs’ Home”
Linda K. Hughes (Texas Christian U), “On the New Monthly Magazines, 1859-60”

Audrey Jaffe (U Toronto), “On the Great Exhibition”
John Patrick James (Georgetown U) and Nathan K. Hensley (Georgetown U), “Soot Moth: Biston Betularia and the Victorian End of Nature”
Timothy Johns (Murray SU), “The 1820 Settlement Scheme to South Africa”
Anna Maria Jones (U Central Florida), “On the Publication of Dark Blue, 1871-73″
Matthew Jones (U of Connecticut), “On Nineteenth-Century Welsh Literacies, and the ‘Blue Book’ Education Reports of 1847”
Priti Joshi (U Puget Sound), “1857; or, Can the Indian ‘Mutiny’ Be Fixed?”

Heidi Kaufman (U Oregon), “1800-1900: Inside and Outside the Nineteenth-Century East End”
Suzanne Keen (Washington and Lee U), “‘Altruism’ Makes a Space for Empathy, 1852″
Christopher Keep (Western U), “The Introduction of the Sholes & Glidden Type-Writer, 1874″
Dane Kennedy (George Washington U), “The Search for the Nile”
Amy M. King (St. John’s U), “Publication of Gilbert White’s The Natural History of Selborne, 1789″
Lorraine Janzen Kooistra (Ryerson U), “The Moxon Tennyson as Textual Event: 1857, Wood Engraving, and Visual Culture”
Anna Kornbluh (U of Illinois, Chicago), “Thomas Hardy’s ‘End of Prose’”
Ivan Kreilkamp (Indiana U), “The Ass Got a Verdict: Martin’s Act and the Founding of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 1822″
Deanna Kreisel (U British Columbia), “The Discovery of Hyperspace in Victorian Literature”
Lara Kriegel (Indiana U), “On the Death—and Life—of Florence Nightingale, August 1910″

Isaac Land (Indiana SU), “On the Foundings of Sierra Leone, 1787-1808″
Christopher Lane (Northwestern), “On the Victorian Afterlife of the 1781 Sunday Observance Act”
Graham Law (Waseda U, Japan), “22 May 1891: Ouida’s Attack on Fiction Syndication”
Jules Law (Northwestern U), “The Victorian Stereoscope”
Jules Law (Northwestern U), “Victorian Virtual Reality”
Kate Lawson (U Waterloo), “Personal Privacy, Letter Mail, and the Post Office Espionage Scandal, 1844″
Barbara Leckie (Carleton U), “‘The Bitter Cry of Outcast London’ (1883): Print Exposé and Print Reprise”
Barbara Leckie (Carleton U), “Prince Albert’s Exhibition Model Dwellings”
Ellen Malenas Ledoux (U Rutgers, Camden),“Florizel and Perdita Affair, 1779-80″
Ayla Lepine (Courtauld Institute of Art), “On the Founding of Watts & Co., 1874″
Carolyn Lesjak (Simon Fraser U), “1750 to the Present: Acts of Enclosure and Their Afterlife”
Bernard Lightman (York U), “On John Tyndall’s ‘Belfast Address,’ 1874”
Jean Little (U of California, Irvine), “Algebraic Logic in Through the Looking Glass
Peter Melville Logan (Temple U), “On Culture: Edward B. Tylor’s Primitive Culture, 1871″
Peter Melville Logan (Temple U), “On Culture: Matthew Arnold’s Culture and Anarchy, 1869″
Kathleen Lundeen (Western Washington U), “On Herschel’s Forty-Foot Telescope, 1789”
Krista Lysack (King’s UC at Western U), “The Royal Charter Storm, 25-26 October 1859″

Carol Hanbery MacKay (U of Texas, Austin) “A Spiritual Materialist Turns Material Spiritualist: Annie Besant Rewrites Her Secularist Years, 1889 and 1891″
Kristin Mahoney (Western Washington U), “On the Ceylon National Review, 1906-1911″
Stefanie Markovits (Yale), “On the Crimean War and the Charge of the Light Brigade”
Nancy Rose Marshall (U Wisconsin), “On William Powell Frith’s Railway Station, April 1862″
Annemarie McAllister (U of Central Lancashire), “On the Temperance Movement”
Ghislaine McDayter (Bucknell), “On Godwin’s Memoirs of the Author of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, 1798″
Thomas McLean (U Otago, New Zealand) on “Donation and Collaboration: Joanna Baillie’s A Collection of Poems, Chiefly Manuscript, and From Living Authors, April 1823”
Martin Meisel (Columbia U), “Darkness: Joseph Conrad and Harriett Beecher Stowe”
Martin Meisel (Columbia U), “On the Age of the Universe”
Anne Mellor (UCLA), “On Wollstonecraft’s Vindication of the Rights of Women, 1792″
Richard Menke (U Georgia), “The End of the Three-Volume Novel System, 27 June 1894″
Elsie B. Michie (Louisiana SU), “On the Sacramental Test Act, the Catholic Relief Act, the Slavery Abolition Act, and the Factory Act”
Renata Kobetts Miller (CUNY), “The Cultural Work of Drama Criticism in the Early 1890s”
Rebecca N. Mitchell (U of Birmingham), “Francis Galton’s Hereditary Genius, 1869 & 1892″
Rebecca N. Mitchell (U of Birmingham), “15 August 1862: The Rise and Fall of the Cage Crinoline”
Tom Mole (U of Edinburgh), “Romantic Memorials in the Victorian City: The Inauguration of the ‘Blue Plaque’ Scheme, 1868”
Monique R. Morgan (Indiana U), “The Eruption of Krakatoa (also known as Krakatau) in 1883″
Deborah Denenholz Morse (William and Mary), “The Way He Thought Then: Modernity and the Retreat of the Public Liberal in Anthony Trollope’s The Way We Live Now, 1873”
Jonathan Mulrooney (College of the Holy Cross), “Edmund Kean, Event”

James Najarian (Boston College), “Alexander Burnes’s Travels into Bokhara (1834)
Claudia Nelson (Texas A&M), “Mass Media Meets Children’s Literature, 1899: E. Nesbit’s The Story of the Treasure Seekers
Rebecca Nesvet (University of Wisconsin, Green Bay), “Miss Whitehead, ‘The Bank Nun'”
Deborah Nord (Princeton), “On Augustus Egg’s Triptych, May 1858”

Robert O’Kell (U Manitoba), “On Young England”
Morna O’Neill (Wake Forest U), “On Walter Crane and the Aims of Decorative Art”
Mario Ortiz-Robles (U of Wisconsin, Madison), “Animal Acts: 1822, 1835, 1849, 1850, 1854, 1876, 1900″
Carolyn W. de La Oulton (Canterbury Christ Church U), “‘Coquetting amid incredible landscapes’: Women on the River and the Railway”

Linda Peterson (Yale), “On the Appointment of the ‘Poet Laureate to Her Majesty,’ 1892-1896”
Diane Piccitto (Mount Saint Vincent U), “On 1793 and the Aftermath of the French Revolution”
John Picker (MIT), “Threads across the Ocean: The Transatlantic Telegraph Cable, July 1858, August 1866″

Erika Rappaport (UCSB), “Object Lessons and Colonial Histories: Inventing the Jubilee of Indian Tea”
Jill Rappoport (U Kentucky), “Wives and Sons: Coverture, Primogeniture, and Married Women’s Property”
Bryan B. Rasmussen (California Lutheran U), “Invertebrate Psychology before and after Darwin”
Patricia Rigg (Acadia U), “Gender and Politics in London School Board Elections: Augusta Webster, Helen Taylor, and a Decade of Electoral Battles”
Terry F. Robinson (U Toronto), “National Theatre in Transition: The London Patent Theatre Fires of 1808-1809 and the Old Price Riots”
Ellen Rosenman (U Kentucky), “On Enclosure Acts and the Commons”
Christopher Rovee (Louisiana State University), “The New Game of Human Life, 1790”
Matthew Rowlinson (U Western Ontario), “On the First Medical Blood Transfusion Between Human Subjects, 1818″
Matthew Rubery (Queen Mary, U of London), “On Henry Morton Stanley’s search for Dr. Livingstone, 1871-72”
Jason Rudy (U Maryland), “On Literary Melbourne: Poetry in the Colony, ca. 1854″

Jonathan Sachs (Concordia U), “1786/1801: William Playfair, Statistical Graphics, and the Meaning of an Event”
Dianne Sadoff (Rutgers), “The Silver Fork Novel, 1824-41”
Cannon Schmitt (U Toronto), “On the Publication of Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, 1859″
Mark Schoenfield (Vanderbilt U), “The Trial of James Stuart (1822): ‘Abuse of the Press, and Duelling’”
Lesa Scholl (Emmanuel College, U of Queensland), “Irish Migration to London During the c.1845-52 Famine: Henry Mayhew’s Representation in London Labour and the London Poor
Janice Schroeder (Carleton U), “On the English Woman’s Journal, 1858-62″
Janice Schroeder (Carleton U), “The Publishing History of Henry Mayhew’s London Labour and the London Poor
Carol Senf (Georgia Institute of Technology), “‘The Fiddler of the Reels’: Hardy’s Reflection on the Past”
Lynn Shakinovsky (Wilfrid Laurier U), “The 1857 Financial Crisis and the Suspension of the 1844 Bank Act”
Linda M. Shires (Stern C of Yeshiva U), “On Color Theory, 1835: George Field’s Chromatography
Linda M. Shires (Stern C of Yeshiva U), “Color Theory—Charles Lock Eastlake’s 1840 Translation of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s Zur Farbenlehre (Theory of Colours)”
Erik Simpson (Grinnell C), “On Corinne, Or Italy
Peter Sinnema (U Alberta), “10 April 1818: John Cleves Symmes’s ‘No. 1 Circular’”
E. Warwick Slinn (Massey U, New Zealand), “On Robert Browning’s Men and Women, 1855″
Jonathan Smith (U Michigan, Dearborn), “The Huxley-Wilberforce ‘Debate’ on Evolution, 30 June 1860”
Jane Stabler (U St. Andrews), “Religious Liberty in the ‘Liberal’, 1822-23”
Philip Steer (Massey U), “On Systematic Colonization and the Culture of Settler Colonialism: Edward Gibbon Wakefield’s A Letter from Sydney (1829)”
Kimberly J. Stern (U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill), “The Publication of John Pentland Mahaffy’s The Decay of Modern Preaching (1882)”
Garrett Stewart (U Iowa), “Curtain Up on Victorian Popular Cinema; Or, The Critical Theater of the Animatograph”
Anne Stiles (Saint Louis U), “The Rest Cure, 1873-1925″
Marjorie Stone (Dalhousie), “Joseph Mazzini, English Writers, and the Post Office Espionage Scandal: Politics, Privacy, and Twenty-First Century Parallels″
Marjorie Stone (Dalhousie), “The ‘Advent’ of Aurora Leigh: Critical Myths and Periodical Debates”
Marjorie Stone (Dalhousie U) and Denae Dyck (U of Victoria), “The ‘Sensation’ of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Poems before Congress (1860): Events, Politics, Reception”
Lisa Surridge (U Victoria), “On the Offenses Against the Person Act, 1828″

T. J. Tallie (Washington and Lee U), “On Zulu King Cetshwayo kaMpande’s Visit to London, August 1882″
Rachel Teukolsky (Vanderbilt), “Walter Pater’s Renaissance (1873) and the British Aesthetic Movement”
Scott C. Thompson (Temple U), “On G. H. Lewes’s Problems of Life and Mind, 1874—79″
Marlene Tromp (U of California, Santa Cruz), “A Priori: Harriet Buswell and Unsolved Murder Before Jack the Ripper, 24-25 December 1872”
Herbert F. Tucker (U Virginia), “In the Event of a Second Reform”

Chris Vanden Bossche (Notre Dame U), “On Chartism”
Anna Vaninskaya (U Edinburgh), “Russian Nihilists and the Prehistory of Spy Fiction”
Joseph Viscomi (U North Carolina at Chapel Hill), “Blake’s Invention of Illuminated Printing, 1788″
Joseph Viscomi (U North Carolina at Chapel Hill), “William Blake’s 1818 Letter to Dawson Turner and Later Career as Graphic Artist″

Anne Wallace (U North Carolina, Greensboro), “On the Deceased Wife’s Sister Controversy, 1835-1907″
Sarah Schaefer Walton (Marshall U), “Murray’s Handbook for Travellers: Being a Guide to John Murray III’s Innovative Travel Series″
Stephanie Kuduk Weiner (Wesleyan), “On the Publication of John Clare’s The Rural Muse, 1835″
Karen Weisman (U Toronto), “Anglo-Jewish Culture and the Condition of England: The Poetry of Marion and Celia Moss”
Phyllis Weliver (Saint Louis U), “On Tonic Sol-fa, January 1842″
Sharon Aronofsky Weltman (Louisiana SU), “1847: Sweeney Todd and Abolition”
Laura Mooneyham White (U Nebraska, Lincoln), “On Pusey’s Oxford Sermon on the Eucharist, 24 May 1843”
Roger Whitson (Washington State U), “The Difference Engine: 1832, 1855, 1876, 1991, 2002, 2008″
Wilkes, Joanne (U of Auckland), “The Implications of the Cricket Match in Anthony Trollope’s The Fixed Period (1882)”
Wendy S. Williams (Texas Christian U), “‘Free-and-Easy,’ ‘Japaneasy’: British Perceptions and the 1885 Japanese Village”
Wendy S. Williams (Texas Christian U), “‘So Very Japanny’: The British Reception of The Mikado in 1885”
Cheryl Wilson (Stevenson U), “The Arrival of the Waltz in England, 1812″
Sarah Winter (U Connecticut), “On the Morant Bay Rebellion in Jamaica and the Governor Eyre-George William Gordon Controversy, 1865-70″
Gillen D’Arcy Wood (UIUC), “1816, The Year without a Summer”
Amy Woodson-Boulton (Loyola Marymount), “The City Art Museum Movement and the Social Role of Art”

Irena Yamboliev (Stanford U), “Christopher Dresser, Physiological Ornamentist”
Arlene Young (U Manitoba), “The Rise of the Victorian Working Lady: The New-Style Nurse and the Typewriter, 1840-1900″

Sue Zemka (U Colorado), “1822, 1845, 1869, 1893, and 1917: Artificial Hands”
Virginia Zimmerman (Bucknell), “On Accidental Archaeology”
Susan Zlotnick (Vassar), “On the Publication of Isabella Beeton’s Book of Household Management, 1861″